Supervisor: R. van Walsem

Devised by: R. van Walsem

Compiled by: M.M. Vugts

Database and cd-rom development: H.S. van den Berg

With special thanks to J. Málek for the use of tomb-plans from Porter & Moss, N. Kanawati for the use of his tomb-plans, M. Hense for the design of the LMP logo, M. Keuken and P. van Birgelen for compiling the bibliography, E. Hammerschlag-Lennings for correcting the non-hieroglyphic text and to all students who have contributed to the project over the years. Finally we want to thank our numerous colleagues who showed their interest in the progress of the work and who commented on the prototypes. We cannot mention all of them, but we want to single out J. Baines, R. Demarée, H. Hays, M. Hense and W. Hovestreydt.

The project is made possible with financial support of the Projectgroup Computer supported education (COO, Leiden University, Faculty of Arts), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Leiden University Fund (LUF), the Gratama Foundation and the department of Middle Eastern Studies (TCMO), with special mention of dr. A. Egberts for his vital support and stimulation in the early stages of this project.

©1998-2008 MastaBase, Leiden University