

JSesh is a word processor for hieroglyphic texts. Texts can easily be copied into other programs and the resulting texts can be used for publications.

WebGlyph can be used to render hieroglyphs for insertion into publications, based on the Manuel de Codage.

Isut is a tool for collaborative annotation and computational analysis of hieratic texts. It collects fully annotated hieratic facsimiles of some well-known Egyptian texts, with photos of original papyri where available. Its main purpose is to compare different shapes of hieratic signs, distinguishing periods, provenances, and genres, which can be useful for dating and for identifying scribes. One can browse through papyri to see sign occurrences in their context.

Using Guesser, the user can draw a hieratic signs, and the tool then returns the normalized hieroglyphs and Gardiner names of the shapes in the database that are most similar to what was drawn. This is perfect for everyone from students of hieratic to experts working on difficult manuscripts wanting to quickly identify a shape.


Unicode Hieroglyphs


Coptic Dictionary Online
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae


Hieroglyphs AI
